I am often warned by my friends to begin to sing my “Nunc Dimitis” or “May Day” should Donald Trump ever win re-election in 2024.
Why? Because They said I have written so much about him than anyone they know and they all strongly believe, that if he ever wins. he is going to come after me with vengeance because he has promised, he is going to target his Retribution Refrain on immigrants like me above any other Group in America.
I tend to agree with that presumption but I am not fazed by it.
That threat is not going to stop me or slow me down from criticizing him because I strongly believe that he belongs to jail rather than the White House.
He surely staged a Coup against America but woefully failed.
I strongly believe he is automatically disqualified to run in 2024 talk less of winning. Why? Because the 14th Amendment has said so loud and clear. There is no other way to interpret it.
The French Words “May Day” simply means in French “Help me”
I am hoping that God is going to help me survive Trump in a miraculous way because I am honest and he is not.
I know Donald Trump has threatened to deport immigrants like me, if he ever manages to win.
I don’t care what the Opinion Polls may be saying right now. All that is going to dramatically change once the outlaw is finally convicted.
I still strongly believe that Trump has murdered Sleep and shall sleep no more
Donald Trump’s Goose is cooked
“Amen and Amen”“Kun Faya Kun”
“Allahu Aqbar”
I am not a Muslim. I am a born- again Christian. But something tells me loud and clear he is surely going to jail and not to the White House and Democracy in America is going to laugh last and laugh best.
I rest my case and Merry Xmas to you all and to all the fans of this Column all over the Globe.