I am a naturalized American of Nigerian descent and I am not even a Board- certified lawyer but I know enough about the LAW in Nigeria and here in my adopted country to answer with a straight face that Donald Trump would never have qualified to run again. Not even by a long short,I might add for emphasis.
If he were a Nigerian, he would have been summarily court- martial and condemned to Death for Treason like former Nigerian Defense Minister Colonel Bisalla and like Colonel Dimka who later identified Bisalla as an accomplice in the Coup that assassinated Murtala Mohammed, 200 days after his taking over and before Colonel Matthew Olusegun Obasanjo was grudgingly picked to succeed him in 1976 to 1979.
I dare say again that he, Trump would have been court- martial and made to face the firing squad like Major Orkar. It is that simple.
Even though Nigerian Constitution which is basically a plagiarized version of the American one, without the 14th Amendment, not even In Nigeria would Donald have been allowed to ever again be on the Ballot for President in any Election anywhere In Nigeria
That said, I want to address how extremely lucky Donald Trump has been by doing what he did only because he is born in America of all places where he himself has once said that he could shoot man dead in broad daylight on 5th Avenue in Manhattan and still not lose a single vote or be arrested. Now we know he had told another bogus lie there?
Today he is facing a quagmire of legal jeopardies and losing everywhere because the American Institutions have held up because America still remains a rock-solid Bastion of Democracy and not a Banana Republic.
Once he is found guilty of Treason anywhere else in the World including China, Russia and North Korea, he would long have been summarily convicted and made to face the Firing Squad with immediate effect and automatic alacrity. No questions asked.
Right now in no less than 22 States out of the 50 States of America, it is being actively litigated in Court whether he could still be on the Ballot in any of those States if he becomes a convicted felon before the Election takes place in November 2024.
If he loses in one of those cases, his goose is cooked, like they say in America.
That is one of the reasons Donald Trump and his lawyers are doing everything in their power right now to badly want to postpone the evil day by asking for delay and more delays anywhere they can find it forgetting that Justice delayed is Justice denied.
That is precisely why I know that Donald Trump and his lawyers must be working on a Plan B behind close doors, even as we speak.
His plan B is to plea-bargain by seeking immunity from going to jail by throwing up his hands in total surrender and saying he is ready to withdraw his name from nomination, if the Government would let him off the hook in order not to forever tarnish the reputation of America by jailing a former President.
If he is left off the hook like that, however, he would call a Press Conference the next day after that plea bargain shamelessly announcing to the whole World that he has won and that would simply mean he has not been held accountable.
Future outlaw Presidents like him with the same mindset might also stage another Coup in the future and get away scot-free like him.
Such a development would have been a tragedy for America for sure. God forbid.
That is going to be the Conundrum for any plea- bargain for him and that could easily be a proof to him and to the Public and to the whole world that he is above the Law like he wants to believe.
If you doubt anything I am saying here, it is because you have not listened on the same subject to Conservative Judge Michael J. Luttig and Harvard Professor of Constitutional Law, Laurence Tribe and the World’s greatest investigative Reporter, the one and only Bob Woodward who is going to turn 80 in a few weeks from now.
I rest my case.