Abeni Aso-Oke

Kamala Versus Trump is Team Normal Versus Team Weird as correctly described by Coach Tim Walz. By Prince Dr Wumi Akintide

Kamala Versus Trump is Team Normal Versus Team Weird as correctly described by Coach Tim Walz.

Kamala Harris                            Donald Trump
Abeni Aso-Oke

Kamala and Tim Walz are conducting themselves and doing things we normally see in civilized Campaigns in democratic countries of the world where respect for the Rule of Law is not just a slogan but the real deal.

Donald Trump who has never agreed that he lost to Joe Biden in 2020 is again playing the underdog or the cat and mouse game saying he is being rigged out again in 2024 and clandestinely preparing his supporters to go violent like they had done in 2020 but this time in more massive way that cannot be easily neutralized by Law Enforcement. To ensure a different outcome this time he has replaced his VP Michael Pence the patriot and Constitutionalist with a “yes man” J.D. Vance who will carry out his orders, even if it means jumping off the Cliff to his death without questioning his motive.

Abeni Aso-Oke

In the old America we all used to know an outlaw or a weird candidate for President would never have been elected given his resume and track record that have now been well documented. Richard Nixon was forced to resign before he tarnished the image and the reputation of the American Presidency but not so with Donald Trump.

Usually Americans would never have elected a candidate with no cognate experience for the job he was seeking.

I cannot think of any job employer who could have hired Donald Trump for President and as the most powerful person in the World based on his terrible resume alone.

As a matter of fact Trump would not have been shortlisted for interview in years past talk less of electing him. He would never have survived the Primary Process of elimination.

A candidate who as a Business man was known to have filed for Bankruptcy 6 times and counting would never have had the bluster to again apply for the job of managing the Economy of America when his track record has shown that he could not manage the economy of his own Mom and Pop Real Estate Business he had inherited or taken over from his father.

In fairness to Trump, he did turn that Real Estate Business into a multi national enterprise over time but whatever he had done to achieve that feat could never have been enough to make him President because he did cut a lot of corners and break the laws and cheat many times like a Mafia Boss to get to the top in that Mafia-dominated Business.

Mention any other Business Donald Trump has done that has not ended up in flames and total fiasco if you are following him as closely as many pundits do in America.

He went into the Casino Business big time by building the Trump Casino and the majestic Taj Mahal Casino he had built in Atlantic City, in New Jersey.

Guess what? I can tell you that the two Casinos have not only run bankrupt, the Business was nearly run aground by Trump. The Finances of New Jersey State were almost ruined because Donald Trump would not pay taxes when due.

If you don’t believe me, ask Governor Todd Whitman of New Jersey.

The man once dabbled into Beauty Pageant Business which also ran aground over time.

The man once dabbled into Airline Business just like the owner and CEO of Jet Blue Airline which has become one of the most successful Airlines in the World today

The Trump Airline on the other hand quickly ran bankrupt and it folded up within a few years leaving a lot of debt in its wake.

That is the story of the man who wants to be President again so he can be put in charge of managing the biggest Economy of the most powerful country in the Universe, if not the economy of the whole world.

Which rational country would ever hire such a job applicant for such a high visibility job who keeps the Nuclear Code and can drag the whole world into a Nuclear War like President Harry Truman once did when he ordered the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Under normal conditions, you are looking for the applicant who can best meet the requirements for the job and and not require intensive on-the-job training to meet the expectations of the employer.

That is why most Employers always seek references from the previous employer of the applicant and from individuals who have known the job seeker for a long time like General Kelly and General Marthis, Mr. Bolton or Mr. Tillerson all of whom had served under Trump and they all have said that he was totally unfit to be President. I am not making up the story.

If you use the recommendations of all those individuals no Employer in his right senses would ever hire Mr. Trump for such a high visibility Job I might add.

Forget all about that and talk about his family values as a husband and a father who has filed for divorce 3 times and is waiting for more as we speak. Leadership comes with a heavy dose of responsibility that Mr. Trump does not have, given his conduct and behavior and flippancy in or out of office.

Now let us factor in the legal woes of Donald Trump as a twice impeached President and a convicted felon and Rapist in several jurisdictions at both State and Federal levels.

He has been severally found guilty of Business Fraud and manipulation of Businesz Records and was fined close to 500 million Dollars or more he must now pay back to New York State as we speak as taxes unpaid when due.

He has also been fined several millions of Dollars for defaming a woman he is convicted to have sexually abused.

The man is awaiting sentencing in few of his cases and yet he is still the confirmed nominee of the Republican Party as we speak despite all of his atrocities including a failed Coup attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government on January 6, 2021.

The same guy despite all of this legal quagmire is openly planning to stage another Coup in the 2024 Elections and he is actively preparing his supporters for violence and retribution and bloodbath if things don’t go his way in the coming elections.

What is even more weird than the convicted felon who openly sponsored the Coup for which he would have been made to face a firing squad in any other country other than America is now openly arranging or soliciting a fund raiser to defend many of the insurrectionists already convicted or serving time in jail after they have all confessed they had attacked the Capitol on his behalf because he had falsely claimed his victory at the election was stolen away from him by Joe Biden.

The whole world now know it was a bogus lie. The narcissist had lost the election in a landslide to Biden.

Donald Trump is now again asking the Board of Elections in Republican-controlled states to refuse to certify the vote counts that would cause confusion and mayhem on Election Day.

It’s unbelievable what Donald Trump is doing to America by deliberately breaking the Law and refusing to play by the rule like his opponent in the Democratic Party who has so far conducted herself in a civil and lawful manner as a former Attorney General of California and later as Senator and for 4 years as Vice President of the United States without blemish.

Team Normal represented by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are going to appoint to their Administration Republicans that are open to walk with her in the spirit of collaboration on legislations like the one on Immigration and illegal border crossings which was killed in Congress at the instance of Donald Trump who would rather divide the country than unite it because he is weird or totally insane.

I won’t be surprised if few Republicans like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger or Judge Michael Luttig or Michael Steel or Mitt Romney are offered one or two positions in the Kamala Administration like Bill Clinton and Obama and Joe Biden had done before. Why not if not?

I rest my case.

Prince Dr Wumi Akintide writes from Oyemekun Terrace New York City 2nd September 

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