Abeni Aso-Oke

The genius of Tai Solarin who first saw the appeal of the Communist System as compared to the Capitalist one. By Prince Dr Wumi Akintide

The genius of Tai Solarin who first saw the appeal of the Communist System as compared to the Capitalist one.

Abeni Aso-Oke

There is something unique and special about the Yoruba race of Nigeria.

Abeni Aso-Oke

I can also say there is something remarkable about Ogun State as a unit of that Yoruba Race.

There is also something unique and note-worthy about the Ijebu Axis or Unit of the Yoruba Nation, if you see what I see.

I won’t be surprised at all if the old Ijebu Province under the Action Group Government of Chief Obafemi Awolowo an Ijebu original from Ijebu Remo, is carved out into a separate state of its own in the next dispensation in Nigeria if Nigeria does not implode and break up in the foreseeable future.

I make this pertinent observation because most of the political leaders of the most progressive region in the old Western Region of Nigeria, now called “Oodua Republic” have always come from Ogun State and the great majority of them have come from the Ijebu axis of Ogun State for a reason that has captured my fantasy and imagination and which I now wish to throw open for public debate as I struggle with what to make of what has just happened in America with the mysterious jigsaw puzzle of an Election which has now brought a Communist sympathizer into almost absolute power in America without any guardrails and checks and balances.

I say that because his Republican Party is now poised to control the 3 or 4 tiers of Government in America namely the Presidency, the two Chambers of Congress and the Judiciary plus arguably the 4th Estate of the Realm otherwise known as the News Media.

It is a very scary development if you are thinking like me, and if you share my background as a Political Science major in my Ph.D and as a History Major in my first degree and as a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Social Worker in my Master’s Degree.

I agonize and fantasize a lot about the political Tsunami that has just occurred in America and as somebody who has been very critical of Donald Trump and the threat he poses to Democracy and the Rule of Law in America.

The whole scenario just reminded me as a young boy growing up in Akure my home base in Nigeria that an Ijebu man named Tai Solarin once pricked the conscience of Nigerians when he and his British wife had established their Mayflower Secondary School at Ikenne, Nigeria, based on Communist ideology as opposed to the Capitalist one.

I am aware that the school has turned out to be one of a kind in Nigeria and a great experiment and success.

I know many of the products of that school who have done pretty good in life and have made a big difference to our country.

Their success profoundly reminds me of Tai Solarin and the movement he had pioneered and led in Nigeria when he used to canvass and preach about the appeal of the Communist Ideology and why it is not at all inferior to the Capitalist one.

The one central control system they have in Russia, China and North Korea has become a force to reckon with based on the astronomical progress that China has made and is currently making as the Super Power of the Future.

I visited Shanghai during the last Winter Olympics in China and I could not believe my eyes to see the 3 major cities linked by train by road and by air and by Sea and stupendous technological breakthrough the country has made in addition to landing a man on the Moon and sending a robot to Mars as we speak.

The Chinese are moving at a faster pace to catch up and to exceed America as we speak, believe it or not!!!!

The whole world had breathed a sigh of relief when in 1991 American President Ronald Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and NATO had collaborated to fasttrack the fall of the old Soviet Union and its 15 Russian Republics and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact as a counterforce to NATO.

We all thought that the Western Civilization and Capitalism, at the time, have completely triumphed over the Communist Ideology and Dictatorship, but what is happening now should be a food for thought for America and her Western Allies.

China under Chairman Mao and then under Deng Ziao Peng had become a force to reckon with in Geo Politics thereby posing a big threat to America as the next Super Power of the World by beating America to second place if care is not taken.

We now see clear evidence on the horizon that the Communist Countries of Russia, China and North Korea are now collaborating and forming a Union to challenge and surpass America and her Western Allies and they appear on face value to be succeeding.

They have now managed to momentarily distabilize America and the West by, for the second time, putting a sympathizer of theirs into the White House, the highest Seat of Power in the World and the undisputed leader of the Free World and the center of gravity in NATO.

This development has forced a lot of countries in the West and in NATO to begin to have a rethinking on where they are headed with Donald Trump back in the White House in 74 days with some clandestine help from Russia, China and North Korea and by telling America voters he is going to become a Dictator from Day One.

We can only hope and pray as Christians that God takes over his heart to not use the limitless power he has now gotten from the American voters to do evil which will lead to his downfall.

As I reflect on Trump’s upset victory in this election, I simply cannot help but remember Tai Solarin, the man who first saw the appeal of the Communist ideology and who did not shy away from talking about it, and building his Mayflower School at Ikenne based on that ideology and living his stoic life as a believer in that ideology.

American worry this morning should be on whether or not Donald Trump has the discipline or the spine and the leadership acumen and qualities and the strength of character not to become a veritable stooge or pushover and subservient leader to President Xi of China, President Vladimir Putin and his KGB and to President Kim Jung Un of North Korea- all of whom are likely to take undue advantage of him as a narcissist who loves flattery more than the truth and who could easily fall for hyperbolic self-praise and self-aggrandizement and bootleaking from a KGB smooth operator and ruthless Dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un.

This fear is rational and justified because we all know that Donald Trump wants to be a strong and heartless Dictator like those Communist leaders in a country that has practiced Liberalism and Democracy and the Rule of Law for close to 300 years without a break. America seems to have broken rule set for the nation by the most dynamic and the longest- serving American President who served for 12 years.

I am talking about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat who wondered aloud if the American Republic would be able to keep and sustain “Democracy”which he described as the best system of Government ever created by Man. The acid test has come in this election and America seems to have flunked the test for now but only time will tell.

I lie to you, if I tell you I am not flustered and seriously concerned and worried about the development.

I don’t know about you but that is my worst fear.

I have no personal animosity and I bear no grudge against Donald Trump even as I criticize some of his flippant statements and racist baiting and policies.

I praise Donald Trump when he does something right and benevolent like saying that the Government ought not to be the one to use tax payers money to pay for the sex change surgeries or treatments of some crazy ones among us who want to change their sex and gender because they don’t like what God has created them to be.

That is a bridge too far for me to support. I think Donald Trump is right to oppose that. I don’t hate Donald Trump just for the fun of it.

The guy has not killed and eaten up my favorite dog or cat. I just like to see America remain the shining City on the Hill and the best experiment in Human History and the Leader of the Free World.

I rest my case.

Prince Dr Wumi Akintide writes from Oyemekun Terrace New York City 

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