Clash of the Titans: Kamala Harris prepares to take down Trump’s misogynistic playbook
A preview of tomorrow’s debate between the female Prosecutor and the convicted felon and the misogynistic Pig.
This title is a direct quote from Congresswoman Liz Cheney, a future Presidential material of the Republican Party who in collaboration with Adam Kinzinger had courageously and successfully led the rebellion against Donald Trump when it mattered the most to save Democracy and the Rule of Law in America.
I am predicting that one or two of these American Heroes are going to be among the first Republicans to cross Party lines to serve in the Unity Government that the first female American President is going to lead after her landslide victory in November if complacency and over confidence do not stop all of the rainbow coalition of voters from Democrats, Republicans and Independents from trooping out to express their disgust for arguably the worst American candidate ever elected President since George Washington.
That said, the main goal of this article is to give a bird eye view of what tomorrow’s Debate in Philadelphia is going to look like and be all about.
In some ways, it is going to be a carbon copy of the 2016 Debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton who as a consummate Diplomat and Secretary of State and a former Senator and the longest-serving First Lady in America having served as First Lady in Arkansas for 12 years and 8 years as First Lady of the United States.
She just felt that if Donald went low she would just go high and not allow herself to get into a fistfight or brickbat of insults and mudslinging with a totally depraved and unhinged Donald Trump who insulted, and intimidated Hillary every step of the way and he would not allow Hillary to talk as their microphones were not muted for the debate.
There was very little their moderators in that Debate could have done to stop Donald Trump from appearing to dominate the debate even though he was lying most of the time and not answering the questions put to him for much of the 90 minutes.
There was a point Donald Trump had left his space on the Podium to start playing a hide and seek game right in front of the camera in an attempt to embarrass, intimidate and derail the poor woman’s train of thought and to provoke her beyond description but the Yale University – trained lawyer never lost her cool but she allowed Trump to walk all over her that night.
Kamala Harris the People’s lawyer and advocate by certification and training is not going to allow Trump to intimidate or rubbish her like that this time around. Anybody who has watched Kamala’s cross examination of Judge Kavanaugh and Attorney General William Bar under oath would know that Kamala is a tough cookie who will easily chew up Donald Trump and spit him out in a split second because the lady is that good. Trust me.
You all can be sure that Donald Trump who has no respect for women at all and more so a black one, is going to try the same strategy or a variation of it on Kamala Harris with a completely different result I would predict, because Kamala Harris as a Public Prosecutor and gifted orator knows his type and would be more than ready for him especially now that Donald Trump’s microphone or speaker is going to be muted when it is not his turn to talk.
But that caveat would still not stop Donald Trump from telling lies upon lies like he normally does or giving some rambling and bland answers like he once said when he was asked to define “Child Care” and to explain or articulate his Child Care Policy and all he could say in response is that “Child Care is Child Care” Come on. Give me a break.
The man knows nothing about Child Care Policy. He would want people to believe he is the smartest Alec in the block but he is a dummy in actual fact and a delusional one, if you can believe it.
America does not deserve a President like him who cannot even express himself in simple English like great communicators like Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Hussein Obama who can move a mountain with their oratorical flourish and power of the spoken word.
l recall Trevor Noah the famous comedian once joked about him when Donald Trump always resort to totology or play upon words when he doesn’t understand a question or know what to say like saying he would deploy fire and fury or fury and fire to silence or stop Iran from getting a Nuclear Bomb just to show he was a tough and no-nonsense Commander-in- Chief even though the whole world knows he is a paper tiger or just a bedroom lion.
I predict Trump is going to pull all of those tricks on Kamala Harris but if brilliant and smart Senator Cory Booker of New. Jersey who played Donald Trump in preparing Kamala Harris for the Debate must have factored all of those observations into their preparations so Kamala is not caught unawares and unprepared on their debate stage tomorrow.
I would not end this short article without commenting on how the ABC moderators must do their job tomorrow. The audience and myself included would be watching them very closely.
I get disappointed and frustrated when moderators tell the Public it is not part of their duties and responsibilities to fact-check all of the responses they get from the two gladiators or debaters and that it is not part of their responsibilities to ask follow-up questions when needed or called for.
I totally reject and condemn that notion. It is their duty to do both because the purpose of the debate is to educate the millions of voters and the listeners and the general public at home watching the debate in prime time all over the world.
Some moderators all woefully fail in their duties when they deliberately allow the debaters to get away or pull a fast one on their intelligence. They should not leave that responsibility to the debaters alone. They must show they are in control and not allow a con artist like Donald Trump to bully them like he always does to all of his interviewers on the excuse that they should respect him as a former President. It is the kind of respect or courtesy he does not extend to anyone who attempts to call his bluff. He does that as a delusional narcissist.
If Dana Bash and Jake Tapper who moderated the disastrous first debate between Biden and Trump in this election circle, had done their job the right way, Donald Trump would not have had a free ride to ambush and to rubbish and to intimidate senile and outgunned Joe Biden who was sick with an age related cognitive impairment for that debate and who at 81 going to 82, was hard of hearing and probably did not hear half of the lies and insults Donald Trump was spewing out and therefore could not correct or frontally challenge and repudiate Trump for much of their 90 minutes on that podium.
I nearly had a heart attack watching that debate on television from Baton Rouge in Louisiana.
I was among the first Democratic- leaning voters and pundits to suggest and to advise that Joe Biden, in the best interest of the Party and the Nation, ought to consider dropping out of the race to pass on the torch to a younger and more vibrant candidate.
That exactly was what Joe Biden had done to his everlasting credit and glory when he dropped out and he immediately nominated his younger and agile and qualified and competent Vice President to replace him.
The Democrats would have been totally wiped out and humiliated by Donald Trump despite all of his shortcomings as an outlaw and a convicted felon and misogynist with little or no brains at all.
I am going to be waking up tomorrow to watch the debate by Satellite from Lekki Pennisula in Lagos at 2 or 3 AM Nigerian time because I love America as much as I love Nigeria.
I strongly believe that Trump has been a net liability to America and the whole world, all things considered.
I am rooting for Kamala Harris to win and win big tomorrow and to make History on November 5 despite the spin both sides of the Isle are going to put on the outcome of the debate.
You can trust Donald Trump to gleefully but falsely claim he has won the debate even if he is booed out of the podium for poor performance like Adolf Hitler would have done.
See you tomorrow night on YouTube.
I rest my case
Prince Dr Wumi Akintide writes from Oyemekun Terrace New York City